(A) Student Work (Pandemic Sunny Days)
- S2 Graffiti
1. 2C Lui Yat Long (LINK)
2. 3D Tsui Yee Ting (LINK)
- S2-3 Card design & writing
1. 2C Lui Oi Man (LINK)
2. 2C Leung Wing Tung (LINK)
3. 3D Tsui Yee Ting (LINK)
- S4 Pandemic Product Promotion
1. 4B Cherry Chan (LINK)
2. 4B Steve Chen (LINK)
3. 4C Crystal Lee (LINK)
4. 4C Jenna Ng (LINK)
- S4 Reflection on Covid-19
1. 4B Che Wing Toon (LINK)
2. 4B Chloe Li (LINK)
3. 4B Pinky Lau (LINK)
4. 4C Hazel Wong (LINK)
5. 4C Jenna Ng (LINK)
(B) Pandemic Information - English Language
- Pandemic related words and phrases
- Pandemic related words and phrases (LINK)
- Recommended books on Pandemic Covid-19:
- Printed books
- Where Germs Lurk (LINK)
- Dangerous Diseases (LINK)
- Diseasw Prevention (LINK)
- Promoting Health , Preventing Disease (LINK)
- Watch It Grow (LINK)
- Covid-19 and You (LINK)
- Covid-19: What you need to know about the Coronavirus and the race for the vaccine (LINK)
- Wash Your Hands: Dirty Truth About Germs, Viruses and Epidemics...and the Simple Ways to Protect Yourself in a Dangerous World (LINK)
- Free e-books
- Coronavirus – A Book for Children (LINK)
- Captain Corona & the 19 COVID Warriors (LINK)
- The Unwelcome Stranger: COVID-19 (LINK)
- ABCs of coronavirus (LINK)
- Related articles
- Changing normality (ARTICLES)
- Etiquette for the online classroom (ARTICLES)
- Facemask spree (ARTICLES)
- From unsung hero to cultural icon (ARTICLES)
- HK in line with Oxford vaccine (ARTICLES)
- Kids lose basic skills with lockdown (ARTICLES)
- Staying healthy in winter (ARTICLES)
- Teens struggle for balance amid Covid-19 (ARTICLES)
- The science behind social distancing (ARTICLES)
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